Jul 01, 2019. Boson x demo. MacKichan Software offers Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, and Scientific Notebook. You write text and mathematics in your document without having to know a programming language or exit to an equation editor. Evaluate, simplify, solve, and plot functions without the need to master a complex syntax. And typeset documents with LaTeX with just the click of a button.
Software for Typesetting and Publishing
LaTeX-bypass software liberates academic and commercial researchers in universities and central banks around the world to produce professional scientific papers (PDFs) with intuitive Windows/Mac interface: from editing screen to printed page (below).
How will Scientific Word help you?
- Makes short work of academic papers/dissertation/thesis – saves you time and effort
- Easy point & click interface for symbols and operators – no hunting for LaTeX codes
- Fabulous typeset output reinforces the quality of your work
- Runs on your existing Windows and Mac machines – just install and go!
- Writes the LaTeX file for you, so you can easily share with co-authors
- 3 times faster than writing LaTeX by hand – more time for your family/teaching/research/golf course
- ..to say nothing of our World Class USP
Typesetting using Scientific Word/WorkPlace v6 – from Dr Christopher Mabb
This demo includes fractions, square roots, superscripts, greek letters, exponentials and integrals with their limits using Scientific Word/WorkPlace 6. The video lasts 3 minutes – please watch in HD.
Would you like to try Scientific Word now? Click.. (3 steps to install) Or watch the videos on our Scientific WorkPlace and New Features pages first?
Scientific Word 6®
Scientific Word Version 6 brings you the ease of entering text and mathematics in natural notation in an easy-to-use word processing system. Now running on OS X®, as well as on Windows®, with its entirely new Mozilla-based architecture, Scientific Word 6 provides more flexibility for your workplace. You can save or export your documents in multiple formats, according to your publication and portability needs. Your documents are saved as
All of the MacKichan Software products share the same easy-to-learn, easy-to-use scientific word processor. You can create mathematical and scientific documents easily, combining text and mathematics in a completely integrated environment. Scientific Word 6 allows you to compose and edit complex documents directly on the screen without having to think in a programming language.
Frets on fire download mac. For up and coming Eddie Van Halens, the editor gives you the chance to compose your own tracks. The hundreds of songs available from the internet will keep you rocking away for hours. We prefer modifying existing ones, because it gives you a pattern to work with instead of starting from scratch.Frets on Fire is really entertaining because you don’t need to know how to play the guitar: you just bang away on your keyboard and come up with something.
Scientific Word 6 enhances important features that were present in earlier versions of the program: compatibility with other software and systems; a rich interface based on the logical separation of content and appearance; the natural entry of text and mathematics; and the ability to typeset complex technical documents with LaTeX the industry standard for mathematics and scientific publishing.
Because Scientific Word 6 is a front end to LaTeX, you do not have to learn the LaTeX syntax. When you typeset, LaTeX automatically generates footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents, and cross-references.
New Look
Scientific Word For Mac Downloads
The program window has been completely redesigned to provide easy access to the tools you need to create and navigate documents. In addition to the standard menu bar at the top, there is a status bar at the bottom and several other customizable toolbars just above the text entry area.
Document Production
Documents and all files related to them (embedded files, plot files, etc.) are automatically bundled together. In Scientific Word 6 you only need a single file bearing the extension .sci to share a document.
You can seamlessly import LaTeX files created with earlier versions of the program, and can export any document as a LaTeX file.
In XML and XHTML files, Version 6 represents your mathematics as M
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Scientific Word 6 gives you multiple document production options. You can choose whether to preview or print directly from the program window when you are ready for output, or you can view your document in a browser. With Scientific Word you can typeset your document when you need the extensive document formatting that LaTeX and pdfLaTeX provide.
New to Version 6 you may Undo an unlimited number of previous editing changes from your current session within a document.
Also new is the ability to check your spelling in realtime. With the inline spell checking from MySpell, you can catch any misspellings. MySpell, which is open-source, includes dictionaries in over 40 languages. Misspelled words have a wavy red underline.
Scientific Word 6 speeds document formatting with a new visual interface for page layouts. Common tasks, such as a section head and footnote formatting are simpler. This new WYSIWYG interface translates directly to TeX. There is little or no need to use the document preamble or raw TeX commands to achieve the page format you want.
Fragments in Version 6 can contain text, mathematics, TeX strings, XHTML code, graphics, or anything else that can go on the clipboard. The program comes with a few pre-defined fragments. Information in fragments can carry tags, and fragments from each document are available to all.
Tables in Scientific Word 6 are made easier by a new visual interface. Gimp download for mac free. Rows and columns will resize automatically to fit the amount of information being entered; you can also manually resize them.
Scientific Word 6 gives you improved and scalable fonts. Use pdfLaTeX or XƎTEX to create documents with a wide variety of scalable fonts. With XƎTEX you can use any OpenType font installed on your computer, as well as Unicode and associated extended Unicode TrueType fonts. The program includes the latest version of LaTeX and
Scientific Word 6 supports any left-to-right or right-to-left language that is supported by your operating system.
The manual, Creating Documents with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word Version 6, by Clint Hicks, is a guide to the substantial changes in this new version. Written as an introduction for new users, as well as giving existing users information about the important changes to the functionality of our programs, this manual is available as a download.
Would you like to try it now? Click.. (3 steps to install)Increased Productivity
While you are doing the work of creating content, you do not need to be distracted by formatting tasks. Scientific Word 6 does that work for you. With so many available output options, each with a different purpose and appearance, taking the time-consuming approach of trying to make the document on the screen look as much as possible like the printed document is simply not necessary.
Because the document window does not correspond directly to the size of online or printed pages, the program does not display page divisions or fixed line lengths on the screen; lines are broken to fit the size of the window. When you preview the document, you will see the page divisions correctly. Our programs use styles and tags for formatting documents, which can be printed directly or saved as XHTML files for use on your website.
Version 6 provides direct access to the Internet from within the program. The online Help system provides fast information when you need it. Our Unbeatable Expert Technical Support is available for our licensed users.
Scientific Word/WorkPlace, version 6 – 'The Basics' from Barry MacKichan.

This screencast covers basic editing and manipulating document structure using the new Scientific WorkPlace 6 and Scientific Word 6. Much of it also applies to Scientific Notebook 6. This video lasts 20 minutes and is best viewed in HD. The second screencast, 'New Features', is here.
Scientific Word Ltd., 130B Main Street, Yaxley, Peterborough, PE7 3LB, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)345 766 0340; Fax: +44 (0)345 603 9443; Email: christopher@sciword.co.uk
Last Updated: 12th September 2020
Thank you for your interest in our products. The download trial versions of Version 6 of Scientific WorkPlace®, Scientific Word®, and Scientific Notebook® are available in the table below.
Begin the evaluation process by clicking on the link in the table below for the product you wish to evaluate.
IMPORTANT NOTE regarding macOS® 10.15 Catalina Version 6.0 is not currently compatible for use with macOS® 10.15 Catalina.
Download 30-Day Product (English Only) | 30-Day Serial Number by Product |
Scientific WorkPlace 6 for Windows Scientific WorkPlace 6 for Mac | |
Scientific Word 6 for Windows Scientific Word 6 for Mac | |
Scientific Notebook 6 for Windows Scientific Notebook 6 for Mac |
Installation Instructions
If using Windows: Start the install program after the download is complete. Follow the screen prompts as how to start the install program after the download is complete. These screen prompts can depend on the browser you are using. Usually a run option is available. Also, you can browse to the directory containing the download file and double-click on the file to begin the installation.
If using macOS: The downloads for Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word contain separate installers for the main program and TeX Live. Each installer must be run separately. The order doesn't matter, but we recommend running the TeX Live installer first. El Capitan users: The security has been increased so use option+Click to start the installers to allow answering the security dialog to allow continuing the installation. Starting the installer only by clicking does not offer the option to continue when the security dialog appears.
If you encounter any problems during installation or while testing the software, please send us an email.
You will need to activate the program to make it fully functional. Click on Help in the menu bar, then choose Activate. Follow the instructions given on the screen.
Important Note: You are welcome to evaluate all of our programs at once, if you like. You will be given a serial number for each program. Please be aware, though, that your 30-day evaluation period begins at the time you activate the first program. We have found that 30 days is ample time to learn if the product will serve your needs. This means that all the evaluation software programs you install will cease to function 30 days from the time you activated the first program.
Word For Mac
Version 6 manuals: PDF versions of the two Version 6 manuals can be downloaded by clicking on each link below.
For additional information about the manuals, see Books from MacKichan Software.
Version 5.5 products are available for download here.
Please email us if you encounter any problems, during installation, activation, or while testing the software.
MacKichan Software, Inc. • 19689 7th Avenue NE, Suite 183 #238 • Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone: 360-394-6033 • Toll-free: 877-724-9673 • Fax: 360-394-6039
Please email comments and suggestions regarding this site to webmaster@mackichan.com.
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